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From day one when you learnt to dive you were probably taught that you must always dive with a buddy. There are however, situations that might arise where this might not be possible or even safe. Through the self reliant course you can learn how to develop the skills and confidence to adapt to situations where you find yourself alone or with a buddy that you cannot rely on.
With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent diving, an experienced diver can responsobly engage in dives without a buddy. Self reliant diving in an adventure activity that is not for everyone but does have its place. If you have the mental discipline to learn and follow self reliant diving techniques, you'll bolster your skills and confidence when diving alone, in a buddy pair or in a team.
Learning how to compensate for situations you would normally handle with a buddy is the focus of the Self-Reliant Diver course. This includes proper dive planning using air consumption rate calculations, life support system redundancy, and independent management of dive emergencies. During three self-reliant training dives, you'll practice: